My PCF Controls
On this Page i will:
- explain shortly what the “Power Apps component framework” (PCF) is
- list and describe the PCF Controls i created.
You can also find some posts about PCF on my blog
- PCF – Use “ConversationControl”
- PCF – Prevent saving the form when input is invalid
- PCF – How to use images in component
- PCF – Designing Errors like standard MDA Errors
- PCF – CSS for Model-driven Apps (MDA)
What is a PCF Control?
Microsoft does describe the “Power Apps component framework” (PCF) as follows:
Power Apps component framework empowers professional developers and app makers to create code components for model-driven and canvas apps (experimental preview) to provide enhanced user experience for the users to work with data on forms, views, and dashboards.
Microsoft Docs (
Like written above it gives the possibility to extend the functionality of an Model-driven or canvas app. With PCF we can bundle those functions in own Controls. Because of this it is possible to deployed and used them in every environment, without knowledge of meta data such as field name. There is no longer the need to recreate functionalities we need in every project via JavaScript.
PCF Controls created by me
I have created the following PCF Controls.
Check Phone Number Control

A Control that checks if the given string is a correct phone number. You can configure which country codes should be accepted or excluded. IT is possible to configure which format the number should have. The Source can be downloaded from GitHub. The Control is translated to English, Swedish, and German.
Conversation Control

A Control that shows a list of records (subGrid) in a user-friendly conversation. You can configure which columns of the view it should use as well as the colors. The Source can be downloaded from GitHub. The Control is translated to English, Swedish, and German.
Format JSON Control

A Control that formats a given string in a Multi line field to JSON. If the Highlighting is activated the field changes to “read-only”. The Source can be downloaded from GitHub. The Control is translated to English, Swedish and German.
Hide/Show Secure String Control

The Control can, like it says, hide and show the content of the field. The Source can be downloaded from GitHub. The Control is translated to English, Swedish and German.
Swedish SSN Control

A Control that checks if the given string is a correct Swedish Social Security Number (Personnummer). You can choose whether it accepts swedish SSN’s, swedish Coordination numbers (Samordningsnummer) or both. The Control will accept numbers in the following syntax: YYYYMMDD-NNNC. The Source can be downloaded from GitHub. The Control is translated to English and Swedish.
- GitHub Repo
- PCF Gallery Author Profile
- Check Phone Number Control
- Conversation Control
- Format JSON Control
- Hide/Show Secure String Control
- Swedish SSN Control