Tag: Tips & Tricks

There are posts in this category.

Read-only nested editable grid

One of my colleagues recently approached me regarding a requirement she had. In one of our customer projects, we needed to show a subgrid with information from a table two relations away. In this blog post, we will learn how to create a read-only nested editable grid in dataverse....
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Fill Excel using Power Automate and Office Script

Över two years ago I wrote about how to “create and fill an Excel file dynamically using Power Automate“. I recently had a similar use case again. I discovered Office Script (Thanks to Tomasz Poszytek (LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog) for mentioning it to me), which I found to be a...
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Export Dataverse data to SQL using Data Lake and ADF

I recently had the challenge of exporting Dataverse data to an SQL Database. I ended up using an Azure Data Lake Gen2 in combination with an Azure Data Factory (ADF). Throughout the process of setting it up, I faced some issues. We will discuss those in this blog post....
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Environment Variable caching in Power Automate

In this blog post, we will talk about Environment Variable caching in Power Automate, what the problem is with it and how to work around it. I have attached both a managed and unmanaged solution containing the complete flow to this post. You can find the link furthure down...
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Connections and Connection References explained

In the last couple of weeks/months, I found myself explaining Connections and Connection References to several colleagues as well as community members while having conversations with them. Usually, questions about them came up along with other stuff we talked about. This made me think it might be interesting for...
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