Add Sparkle XRM to a Webresources project
One of the presentations I give regularly is about setting up a Typescript project for Dataverse. It basically is a presentation/live demo of one of my other blog posts. One of the questions I get often during the presentation is how to set up Sparkle XRM to automate the...
Read More Implement MS Graph silent flow and device code flow using NodeJS backend
In this blog post, you will learn how to request MS Graph with silent flow using device code flow with NodeJS. I will use the NodeJS application I developed for my Teams status indicator light as an example. You can find the complete code on my GitHub. If you...
Read More Use Fiddler to serve a local version of Webresources
In this article, I would like to explain how to use Fiddler to serve a local version of Webresources. End of last year I asked a question about source maps to the community on Twitter. After a short time Fiddler popped up in our discussion. It always bothered me...
Read More Add React and Tests to a TypeScript project
In one of my last blog posts, I explained how to set up a basic TypeScript project. In this article, I would like to explain how to add React and Tests to a TypeScript project. We will achieve this in a way that the react parts are in the...
Read More [QuickTip] How to use setVisible within TypeScript
One of my colleagues recently approached me and asked how one could use the function “setVisible” on a Dataverse control in TypeScript. The function is present in JavaScript but when trying to use it in TypeScript he got an error. Xrm type is not exposing setVisible, therefore the error...
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